Nail fungus is the most common and unpleasant disease. A fungal infection of the feet and nails can not cause significant harm to health, but provokes a weakening of the immune system and unpleasant painful sensations.
Nail fungi are able to concentrate poisonous toxins in the body, which multiply during the growth of pathogenic fungi, resulting in a slow poisoning of the body, can cause an allergic reaction or exacerbate chronic diseases. As a result, metabolic processes in the body are disturbed, immunity is reduced, general physical condition deteriorates and sensitivity to various negative environmental influences increases.
In this article you will learn what are fungal spores, causes of this unpleasant disease, symptoms and signs of damage, how to treat toenail fungus at home, what preventive measures should be followed to avoid infection.
Why does fungal mycosis appear on toenails?
The appearance of a fungal infection can provoke:
- foot wounds in the form of cracks and scratches, which may be the result of a pedicure procedure or as a result of wearing tight and uncomfortable shoes;
- corn and corn on the cob;
- poor irregular foot care;
- decreased immunity;
- long-term use of antibiotics and drugs with similar effect on the body during treatment;
- excessive foot sweating;
Decreased immunity and protective functions of the body can provoke a fungal disease, but are not the main factor in the onset of the disease.
First of all, the infection occurs:
- household ways of contact with a sick person, most often a close relative, through slippers or ordinary shoes, through household items - washing cloths, sponges, carpets;
- in the sauna, bath, pool and on the beach. A large crowd of people and a humid environment contribute to the spread of fungal diseases;
- in any place where people walk barefoot. Fungal spores are able to withstand sudden temperature changes from low to very high and stay for a long time in the sand, on the surfaces of pavement paths, on the upper surfaces of the pool;
- when wearing someone else's shoes, in which pathogenic viral microflora can live and multiply;
- wearing socks or socks made of synthetic materials that do not allow air to pass, creates a microclimate favorable for fungal infection;
- constant wearing of fake nails makes it impossible for the nail plate to breathe, which also contributes to mycosis infection;
Symptoms of fungal infection of the nails and feet
- dryness, itching, redness and skin of the feet;
- appearance on the toe and between the toes of small blisters with itching, corn-corn formation is possible;
- the appearance of redness of the diapers of the feet due to increased sweating;
- change in the shape and color of the nail. Fungal spores penetrate the nail plate and gradually take root in it. The structure of the nail becomes heterogeneous, brittle, with an uneven surface. In places of loss, light or yellow spots appear, and gaps beneath them;
- under the influence of poisonous toxins produced by fungal spores, the feet sweat a lot, a sharp unpleasant odor appears;
- increase in body temperature is possible.
If there are cracks, itching, diaper rash, an unpleasant odor on the feet, a change in the shape of the nail and the appearance of white or yellow spots on its surface and the hollow beneath them, there is a direct reason to contacta dermatologist for detailed advice and a treatment regimen. The dermatologist will tell you everything about treating toenail fungus at home and will prescribe the appropriate medication for each specific case, as well as give you tips on using traditional medicine.

The symptoms of the disease and the nature of the lesion depend on the type of mycosis:
- type of mycosis - vesicular, begins to affect the lower part of the foot, is characterized by the appearance of small bubbles and bubbles filled with fluid and additional adhesion of bacteria - pathogens;
- type of mycosis - membranous, characterized by the appearance on the skin between the fingers of small red rashes and the appearance of painful cracks;
- type of mycosis - similar to moccasins, in which the mycosis affects the skin of the foot, starting from the heel and ending with the toes. The lesion is accompanied by painful sensations, the skin of the foot thickens, cracks and itching appear.
Most often, fungal spores from the sole of the foot pass to the nail plates, the fungus takes root and grows on the nails, touching it. A fungal infection adversely affects the whole body, impairs its functions and can cause allergic reactions.
Treatment of toenail fungus at home: anti-fungal preparations
The most effective treatment for toenail fungus at home is a complex combination of special anti-fungal medications and folk remedies. First, we will talk about what medicines are used in the treatment of toenail fungus, later in folk methods.
Medications should be used strictly according to instructions, dosing them consistently and accurately. For the treatment of mycosis, there are special antifungal drugs in the required doses. With advanced cases and extensive lesions, the fungus can be eliminated in several stages, observing a certain temporary pause between courses of treatment.
It is possible to cure a fungus with a medical method with the help of cheap and very effective drugs. Anti-fungal remedies are available in the form of oil, gel and varnish, which should be applied to the nail surface several times a day. Fungal spores are very resistant to various influences on it, to get rid of it completely, you will need to periodically change the drug treatment regimen and alternate medicines and traditional medicine.
Treating toenail fungus with folk remedies at home
The treatment of toenail fungus with folk remedies at home is a periodic treatment of areas affected by the fungus with special natural remedies. It is known that mycosis is afraid of acid and the treatment of fungi with the help of nature is based on this fact. The most effective natural remedies are vinegar, hydrogen peroxide, propolis, baking soda, iodine, garlic, kombucha. These are just tools that negatively affect the pathogenic flora of fungi and are able to withstand it.
Treat toenail fungus with vinegar
Vinegar treatment is performed using creams with a special composition of vinegar, alcohol and glycerin. The proportions of the ingredients ratio are taken in the right quantities -2/2/1. A piece of cotton wool or a cotton pad soaked in a solution is applied to the nail plate affected by the fungus and held for a certain time, then the feet should be dried with a clean towel or napkin and only after a while rinsedfeet. with warm water. Lotions should be applied from two weeks to a month, depending on the complexity of the lesion. In the process of such a treatment, the infected nail begins to bloom and gradually disappears, and in its place grows a new healthy nail.
Important! To avoid skin burns around diseased nails, it is recommended to lubricate the skin with some vegetable oil before applying the lotion.
Treating nail fungus with baking soda
The baking soda treatment is performed in the same way as with vinegar, for this you need to make a cold baking soda solution, soak a cotton ball in it and place it on the affected nail for a while, then removedisc and wipe the nail thoroughly with a dry towel.
Hydrogen peroxide against nail fungus
Treatment with hydrogen peroxide is carried out as follows: peroxide should be poured into the cavities under the platinum of the nails, where the fungus has taken root. The aggressive and disinfectant environment of peroxide perfectly destroys fungal spores and helps to get rid of the disease quickly.
A good effect gives iodine treatment, which should be applied to the nail plate several times a day, as well as mold cavities should be treated with iodine.
In the treatment of fungi with propolis, compresses from propolis tincture and alcohol help well. Compresses should be applied daily and kept for a certain time, then rinse your feet with warm water. Such treatment should be carried out until a positive result is achieved and the nail is renewed.
Other popular methods in the treatment of nail fungus
- Another effective, but somewhat complicated, recipe is to apply to the affected area a mixture of one teaspoon of methylphthalate, one tablespoon of vinegar, one teaspoon of vegetable oil, and two raw eggs. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly and keep in the fridge until fully used. Apply a compress from the mixture to the nail, wrap the toe with plastic wrap, put a wool sock on top. Hold for at least thirty minutes.
- As a homeopathic remedy, a living organism, Kombucha, helps well. For the whole night, put a piece of kombucha on the affected nail and cover this place with plastic wrap. Kombucha has an acidic environment and well withstands fungal spores.
- A good result is obtained by daily treatment of the affected area with finely chopped garlic. Garlic juice is a natural disinfectant and works great for fungal spores.
The treatment of toenail fungus at home should be carried out regularly and methodically. If a microscopic portion of the spores remains under the nail, the fungus will start to grow again and the whole treatment will have to start again.
To avoid fungal infection of the nail plate and the skin of the feet, you should follow the preventive measures, which we will talk about later.
Disease prevention
- To avoid primary infection or re-infection with mycosis, it is necessary to regularly thoroughly process all manicure tools and accessories. If the manicure or pedicure procedure takes place in a beauty salon, make sure the master does not use tools that have not been processed after another person.
- Periodically clean your shoes with disinfectant such as vinegar or formalin. To get the best therapeutic effect in shoe disinfection, mix these products well with each other and perform the treatment.
- Occasionally disinfect ordinary household and household items by boiling them in a soap solution. For the solution, a combination of water, laundry soap and a small amount of baking soda is best;
- Visit the spa, sauna and pool only with special rubber slippers or flip flops.
- Have individual bath accessories - washing cloth, sponge and towels.
- Regularly observe foot hygiene with the help of water procedures. As often as possible, take foot baths with warm water, to which it is best to add a crystal of potassium permanganate or a teaspoon of baking soda as a disinfectant.
- Do not try, let alone wear someone else's shoes, as they are considered the best carrier of fungal diseases.
Successful treatment of nail fungus at home is possible only if all the recommendations of a dermatologist are followed, with strict adherence to the treatment regimen and use of drugs, careful observance of the cleanliness of the lesions and regular performance of all procedures. necessary disinfectants. It is imperative to follow preventative measures and be patient, as nail fungus is a secret and insoluble disease.